Category: Law

Importance of Hiring a Family Lawyer

Family lawyer has always been an influential person. Thus, his presence is quite essential when the legal battle is in the process. There can be many situations when the divorce attorney Houston can be extremely helpful.

  • Usually in family related cases, client will be in high stress condition. This is because part of the family which was his support earlier is against with him. Especially cases like child custody and divorce, emotional stress will be really high. So hiring a family lawyer who is expert in handling this type of cases will along with giving legal assistance required he will be a pillar in client’s emotional downfall.
  • Family attorney comes with a third party view of the situation and filed case. So that will make him easy to judge and give proper advice. If in case client has filed the case in flying emotions and stress he will advise him properly. If the condition is really bad and he has to fight then he will suggest them the way they can fight with the other party. So when client comes in a emotional stress a family attorney should be able to council him and be a moral support. Few cases may just need counseling and there is no need of legal action or lawsuit altogether.

It is not right if we say that client’s former attorney is incompetent. But every area in law has its own demands. Especially family law is considered very niche area. The demand for skill set for this particular are is totally different compared to civil or commercial. All lawyers cannot have these skill sets. Hence, choosing the right family lawyer is extremely important.

His counseling will help in avoiding the emotional breakdowns. Moral support given by him can lower the tensions. Speak to an expert now.

In the final steps there will be disclosure of expenses, income, liabilities and assets by both the spouses. If both are ready to agree on the terms of the divorce or if it is uncontested then there just some paperwork needed. Divorce is final only when the court enters the judgment. Once this is done, it is understood that the marriage is dissolved formally. There will be certain waiting period within that period spouses cannot go for remarriage. At this stage if spouses have disputes then that requires court hearings. In some cases even demand for trials.

law firms

The main aspects that should be reflected in the agreement on the association of law firms

The constitution of a law firm is now more simplified than ever. Any lawyer or group of lawyers can establish strong partnerships for the purpose of legal practice. However, all issues related to the form of association, company management and any liability should be resolved. This is done in the form of a law firm association agreement. This agreement should cover several important points.

The document should begin with a description of the main aspects of the law firm.

Your name and work address must be included. The term of the association must also be set. The next point to be covered is the goal of combining law firms. A standard definition can be given. For example, “the goal of the company is to advise clients on all legal issues and represent them in civil or criminal matters and other matters related to the law.” It is possible that the statement is more accurate and includes the area of ​​law in which the company will operate.

The law firm association agreement should clearly establish the professional responsibility of the firm. You can install any type of legal insurance provided. The next paragraph should cover the transfer of company interests. The document must also contain ownership of the company. This is an important situation in the event of the ruin of the company, since it organizes all issues related to property.

association of law firms

In general, the agreement should also include a number of causes related to the activities of the law firm as a commercial organization. They should cover rental and notices. It is important that the form and procedure for paying taxes be established in this constituent document. The bank accounts of the subject must also be indicated.

There should be a section that discusses the responsibility of the company and the responsibility of partners. Although the company is at the stage of creation, it is better to have a section on mergers and acquisitions for an agreement. This has become common practice today, so they must be provided in advance.

A firm association agreement should include the acquisition of a new customer, the management of customer files, and customer retention agreements. It is better that all issues related to the retainers be resolved in advance. This will facilitate the operation of the facility from the start.

The administrative structure of the company should be clearly described in the constituent document. This applies to the structure of the association, if it is different in any case. All company committees should be identified. The name of his president must be indicated. The names of the managing partner, administrative partner and financial director must also be present.


The law firm association agreement should have a section on the assets and income of the firm and its distribution. It is best that the costs and benefits be described in this document.

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